
Sweet and Funny Greeting Cards Just Because

Think about how many times have you received a nice greeting card from someone - probably on birthdays, Christmas and some other holiday. The thing about greeting cards is that we are used to them on these occasions and they are OK. If they are unique and funny they are better. But what if you receive a card...

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Freebie Friday: Everyday cards

It has been a while since we did a freebie Friday post! I have been thinking about this for a long time and I tried to figure out what kind of cards you would like. Should they be funny, romantic, artistic or simply drawn with a pencil? I love all kinds of different styles, but this time I...

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10 Rules To A Happier Life

It has been a while since I wrote about feelings, people and relationships. The thing is these things change daily. Hourly. In a matter a fact they can change in an instance. It takes only one look, one word, one second, one action, one person. One everything. It all comes down to how would you let something affect...

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How Did Baby Change My View On Life

We are so happy and excited to be back. Because of my new baby we decided we would take a break from blogging, but after 6 months I think it is time to start writing again. So much has changed during this time, I feel like a whole other person. I have brain of a mom now and...

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Getting rid of constant feeling of quilt

Do you ever feel like you are in a good place in life, settled and happy but cannot shake the feeling of quilt about something you are currently not doing? Or just feel like your life is too good to be true and something bad is going to happen at any minute? That is what I am dealing...

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